$1 USD
$1 USD
$1 USD
$1 USD

Taler is a Belarus cryptocurrency of future

Anonymous cryptocurrency with open code, market stability, multifunctionality and business partners amongst leading Belarusian companies. Private payments, accumulating function and real-life adoption. This is Taler. Your future currency.

Transactions speed

Block approval only 1 minute, allows fast moving funds.

Pos staking

Stacking allows users of earn coins and rise network.

Atomic swaps

Atomic swaps enable people to directly trade with one another wallet-to-wallet. No need to use exchange for changing cryptocurrency p2p.

Segregated Witness

Segregated Witness (SegWit) updated protocol to change block size limit in Taler blockchain. Allows to add more transactions to one block.

Protection from double spending

Double-spending is a potential flaw in a digital cash scheme in which the same single digital token can be spent more than once.

Unique addresses

Addresses Bech32 is faster and safer to use. Allows user to generate and send or receive to protected addresses.


Circulation supply 23 333 333
PoW/Pos algorithmLyra2z
Mining Hardware CPU, GPU, POS
Block reward10 coins (7 pow/3 pos)
Mining difficultyadjusts every block